Florentine Riem Vis Grant
The Florentine Riem Vis Grant was established in memory of Florentine Riem Vis (1959-2016) with the goal of supporting upcoming photographic talents in the development of their artistic careers.
Award prize
grant sum of €10,000
solo exhibition at Foam 3h
About the grant
Florentine Riem Vis had close affiliations with several cultural institutions and in particular with Foam. She was especially interested in helping people develop their artistic talent. For this grant, Foam scouts worldwide for talented artists with a clear signature and style that is relevant to the contemporary artistic discourse. The artist can work in all photographic genres, including multimedia and interdisciplinary work. One condition to be eligible for the grant is that the work should show a clear relationship with people, in the widest sense of the word. Each year, Florentine Riem Vis’ children will choose the recipient from a shortlist compiled by Foam.
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A fixed exhibition space in the museum that is exclusively oriented towards the innovative work of young talent from the Netherlands and abroad.
We stand for Talent. We scout, follow and present talented artists in order to stimulate and showcase exceptional quality.