Blanco Agterberg
Bebe Blanco Agterberg is a visual storyteller based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She examines history and the reliability of the image in the post-truth era, which forms a grey area where fact and fiction live close to each other. This is the area where Agterberg positions herself.
In 2022, Bebe Blanco Agterberg was the sixth recipient of the Florentine Riem Vis Grant.
The projects she makes explore the relationship between politics, media and citizens. How these three opponents feed each other, need each other, but also exist in a constant power struggle.
Agterberg graduated with honours from The Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague and is a member of Futures, a Europe based photography platform that brings together the resources and talents of 14 cultural institutions. She also works as an image editor for the Dutch journalistic platform De Correspondent.
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Available at Foam Editions
The Playbox, 2023
A box with handmade publication, riso print poster and a limited print.
From the series A Mal Tiempo, Buena Cara by Bebe Blanco Agterberg