About Photography through the Lens of AI
Through four distinct themes, the group exhibition Missing Mirror: Photography Through the Lens of AI invites the visitor to look beyond the surface of AI. In chapter one, Missing Body, artists give shape to a physical appearance of AI. The second chapter, Missing Person, reflects on AI's capacity to become a substitute for humans — not necessarily in physical form, but rather by expressing the immaterial essence, such as the existence of an AI personality or identity. In Missing Camera, chapter three, AI fills the position of the camera for events that never took place or could never have been photographed. Lastly, in chapter four, Missing Viewer, artists reflect on one of the most threatening developments, the absence of people: AI functions and perceives on its own, without the need for humans. The exhibition showcases the work of international artists who reflect on the danger and potential of AI.
Tours & Drinks
Photography Through the Lens of AI