Every year Foam Magazine organises the Talent Call to identify young and international talents under the age of 35. Work of all the 2014 Foam Talents is shown at l’Atelier Néerlandais in Paris.
The Foam Magazine Talent Call 2014 had a total of 1473 submissions from 71 different countries. The jury is again deeply impressed by the high quality and variety of all submissions. For the first time 21 photographers have been selected.
Image from the series L'Habit Fait le Moine © Charles-Henry Bédué, courtesy of the artist
Charles-Henry Bédué (FR), Andrey Bogush (RU/FI), Jonny Briggs (UK), Daniel Everett (US), Lucas Foglia (US), Julien Gremaud (CH), Jing Huang (CN), Otto Kaan (NL), Sasha Kurmaz (UA), Catharine Maloney (US), Yoshinori Mizutani (JP), Nerhol (JP), Eva O'Leary & Harry Griffin (US), Alice Quaresma (BR), Jan Rosseel (BE), Émilie Régnier (CA), Christto & Andrew (QA), Jennifer Niederhauser Schlup (CH), Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld (DE), Lukas Wassmann (CH), Hannah Whitaker (US).
The work of these talents is featured in Foam Magazine #39: Talent Issue. The Foam Magazine Talent Issue is a career-building platform, helping to launch aspiring talents into the international photography industry and giving them international acclaim and recognition.
Foam is supported by the Bank Giro Loterij, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Delta Lloyd, Gemeente Amsterdam and the VandenEnde Foundation.