
Framing Sounds: Exploring Sonic Influence with Sakir Khader, Diaspora Radio & Karmel Sabri

Join us on Thursday 10 April for a collective gathering on the occassion of Yawm al-Firak by Sakir Khader. The evening will be filled with a live radio show of Diaspora Radio with Hani Rahsepar, a performance by artist Karmel Sabri, and coffee and Ma'amoul provided by Common Ground.

How can sound be used as a tool for collectiveness?

On this dynamic evening, Foam invites you to dive deeper into the work of Sakir Khader and reflect on ways that we unite through image and sound. 

Karmel Sabri will host a live performance of 'You tell us not to sing our song', a sonic collage with an element of audience engagement through activation of a collective voice. The immersive, sonic experience allows for a reflection on global connectivity through the lens of Palestine. 

Afterwards, Sakir Khader will join host Hani Rahsepar in a live episode recording of Diaspora Radio. Diaspora Radio is a monthly show on Echobox Radio that unfolds stories from the diaspora. In conversation with Hani, guests share their stories and the music that influences them. You are invited to listen as you sit down and have a drink, or explore the exhibition.   

Throughout the evening, coffee with Ma'amoul will be provided by Common Ground (Anna Celda and Saja Amro).

Inhale, in hell there’s heaven, 2022 © Karmel Sabri.

About the exhibition

In Yawm al-Firak, Sakir Khader gives a voice to seven young Palestinian men who were violently taken from life, and to their mothers who lost them. Through their stories and experiences, he reflects on farewells in times of occupation, conflict, war, and displacement.

The number seven symbolizes unity in many cultures. The seven mothers and their lost sons at the centre of this exhibition represent the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with the establishment of the state of Israel since 1948, also known as the Nakba. The title of the exhibition, Yawm al-Firak, refers to an ancient Arabic poem about separation and farewell. Khader connects this literary tradition with personal stories. His work touches on universal themes such as love, grief, and resilience.

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Women in grief, Jenin refugee camp in Palestine, 2023 © Sakir Khader/Magnum Photos

The exhibition is made possible by Kleurgamma Fine Art Photolab.

Yassine left Ahmad right 3 days later they were murdered by an Israeli drone strike

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Framing Sounds: Exploring Sonic Influence with Sakir Khader, Diaspora Radio & Karmel Sabri